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These things are not mutually\n exclusive, they're interdependent.\n \n \n Designing for purpose gives employees drive, autonomy and\n productivity when things are tough — like when you're suddenly a\n remote workforce and a reason to ‘go to work’ everyday is\n paramount. Purpose gives customers a reason to talk to you and\n stay with you when options and budgets are limited. Purpose\n ensures the future economy works for the betterment of society by\n designing positive outcomes into the business model.\n \n \n There's huge opportunity for leaders and entrepreneurs in\n designing for purpose. It's crazy that the majority of businesses\n aim to achieve only growth, often at the expense of everything and\n everyone else. Focus on purpose and growth is both organic and\n sustainable.\n \n \n This is the future of business design, where there is no need to\n choose between people, profit and the benefit of wider society,\n because it achieves all three and is stronger for it.\n \n \n What are we doing?\n \n \n We’re delivering rapid business design for our clients, developing\n products that enable autonomous product teams and writing a\n 'how-to' on the way we do it. Then we're giving the book away, so\n anyone can use it as a springboard for change.\n \n \n \n Get a copy of the book for free by subscribing to the Po3\n newsletter\n \n \n \n Subscribers get one article a week and a free copy of the book.\n A 'how to' on purpose driven design. To give you an idea of\n what's coming, we'll immediately send you a copy of\n Econsultancy's Best Practice Guide to Rapid Innovation (which we\n authored at a previous consultancy).\n \n \n \n To keep up momentum we'll serialise the new book, creating one\n article a week. Helping to create structure and giving you an\n interesting read. At the end we'll publish as a clear, curated and\n straightforward manual, for anyone who wants to put purpose at the\n centre of: transformation, innovation, market disruption -\n wherever you are in your venture.\n \n\n \n Why are we doing it?\n \n \n We want to see a better socio-economic future beyond what exists\n and this is how we can contribute. Purpose driven business design\n shouldn't be complex, confusing or exclusive. The more people that\n know how to do it the better, because it builds a better economy.\n \n \n If we change the way we do business it has the power to re-build\n economies from the grass roots. Everyone wants to succeed. When\n people see others doing well, they adapt those successful\n behaviours to achieve the same outcome. Showing that purpose\n driven businesses are not only ethical but also market leading\n will be a catalyst for progressive change.\n \n \n Be a part of the community\n \n \n We'd love to be part of a community that wants to achieve the same\n things. A sustainable society where everyone finds purpose in\n their work and business has a positive impact in the world. Doing\n this gives us the chance to connect with like-minded people and\n maybe build something amazing from the conversations that happen.\n \n \n If you want to get involved and radically redesign business for\n the better, or simply want to bounce ideas around — get in touch.\n \n \n Contact details and an invite to the Po3 Slack community are in\n the welcome email on sign-up.\n \n \n Thanks for reading.\n
\n Kieran & Phil\n
\n \n }\n label=\"Share on Twitter\"\n />\n }\n label=\"Share on LinkedIn\"\n />\n \n
\n \n \n \n \n Sign-up to get one article a week, a free book on purpose driven\n design + Econsultancy's Best Practice Guide to Innovation\n \n \n \n We will never use your email for anything other than to send you\n free articles written by us.\n
\n We're people, not a data hungry machine.\n
\n \n \n
\n )\n}\n"],"names":["Manifesto","themeMode","title","width","alignSelf","background","round","corner","size","pad","margin","top","bottom","className","level","fill","vertical","border","side","color","Link","to","target","href","right","icon","label"],"sourceRoot":""}